Deploy an Existing DApp on Telos EVM Mainnet
Considerations and coverage for launching a DApp live on the Telos mainnet.
Disclaimer: This tutorial is for those already familiar with developing smart contracts on EVM-compatible chains and using tools like Solidity, Ethers.js, and Hardhat or Truffle. If you are not versed in these tools, please visit our DApps tools section
Test Smart Contracts on Testnet
The Telos testnet tokens can be aquired in the Testnet Faucet.
Telos Testnet Settings:
- Network Name: Telos Testnet
- New RPC URL:
- ChainID:
- Symbol:
- Explorer:
Telos Mainnet
Telos Mainnet Settings:
- Network Name: Telos Mainnet
- New RPC URL:
- ChainID:
- Symbol:
- Explorer:
Websocket connections
Testnet : wss://
Mainnet: wss://
Audit and Optimize Smart Contracts
Optimize the contract to ensure its safety and efficiency.
- It is strongly recommended to review audit reports and old hacks to identify mistakes that have been made in Solidity.
- Paid audits from firms such as Sentnl,, or others
Estimate Cost of Deployment
- Telos is an inexpensive chain to build on; transactions average $.01.
- Gas price is currently fixed at ~500 GWEI.
- To calculate the cost of deployment on mainnet, simply multiply gas consumed with the gas price using the Ethers library.
Acquiring TLOS for mainnet
The easiest way to acquire the Telos native currency is through an exchange. After you purchase native Telos, you will have to bridge it over to the EVM contract by using
Most Affordable Method Purchase Telos on a centralized exchange, then send it to Telos web wallet or Anchor wallet. (12 character public key aka username)
- Go on Telos web wallet and bridge to Telos EVM.
These are the current platforms Telos is listed on
- Kucoin
- Huobi
- Uniswap
- Sushiswap
- Pancakeswap
Another way to acquire Telos EVM coins is to use a Crosschain Bridge
Configuring your Deployment script
In order to deploy to Telos EVM you will need the following:
- Websocket: wss://
- Block Explorer:
module.exports = {
solidity: '0.8.1',
networks: {
telos_mainnet: {
url: "",
accounts: [process.env.TELOS_TESTNET_PRIVATEKEY],
As is good practice, define deployment wallet's private key in a .env file that will not be committed to git repository.
Next, run your deploy script and once complete, you will have successfully launched onto Telos mainnet.
Now run the code below.
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network telos_mainnet
To check the gas price set by Telos resources go to teloscan
When you deploy using hardhat, it automatically drains your wallet of the funds it needs to perform the request. In other words, there is no pop-up confirmation from Metamask. Once you run the deploy script command, you will be charged gas fees, and your contract will be deployed.